EL0493 View01 MainEntrance v04 190924 LowRes scaled

Artist’s impression of Northgate Hospital entrance

Northgate Hospital

Huge improvements are being made at your local NHS hospital in Morpeth. Updated mental health secure facilities and increased bed and visiting capacity will mean patients and their families can remain connected while receiving high quality care.

The facility will help patients from across the region access mental health services, with specialist facilities for people with a learning disability and autism.

 What benefits will this new development bring?

The new medium secure centre will provide the best in mental health support for patients in the region
An increase in bed capacity for medium secure mental health services will make it easier for friends and family to visit you
Services for people with a learning disability and autism will be improved, supporting inpatients with more complex needs
Patients will have access to outdoor space and a wider range of sports and gym facilities

What could the new hospital look like?

EL0493 View02 Courtyard v04 190924 LowRes scaled

Artist’s impression of new hospital site

Northgate 2

Current hospital entrance

This content is for illustrative purposes only and demonstrates current Trust thinking on the potential scope and design of their hospital scheme. Designs are not final and subject to further development as scheme plans progress.

Find out more about this project

For more information and the latest news about the project, visit the hospital site herePath