Artist's impression of Hillingdon Hospital

Artist’s impression of Hillingdon Hospital (view from the central park looking east)

Hillingdon Hospital

Hillingdon Hospital’s staff and patients will benefit from a new hospital on its current site in Hillingdon, north west London.

At the heart of the plans is a shared vision to improve access to better healthcare services for the Trust’s local population. The Trust will work with partners across the local area to improve the health and wellbeing of its community, providing better facilities and services and helping to avoid unnecessary hospital stays.

Plans for the new hospital will feature an urgent and emergency care department, a separate but co-located midwifery unit and a bigger critical care unit, alongside a number of other benefits (see below).

 What benefits will this new development bring?

A more attractive environment and improved experience for staff and patients
video call
Use of digital technology to improve patient care and safety
Better connections between departments to make it easier for patients to move through the hospital
Improved privacy with more side rooms for patients with particular clinical needs
A dedicated young person’s area to allow appropriate social space for learning and education while in hospital

What could the new hospital look like?

In June 2021, the Trust launched a public exhibition, providing the public with a first look at what the new hospital could look like.

With artists’ impressions and plans of the proposed new building as well as information on how it will improve services, the online exhibition sets out the vision for a new, modern, 21st-century hospital.

The online exhibition, which runs for six weeks, can be found here.  


This content is for illustrative purposes only and demonstrates current Trust thinking on the potential scope and design of their hospital scheme. Designs are not final and subject to further development as scheme plans progress.

Find out more about this project

For more information about this project, please visit the Hillingdon Hospitals website herePath